My winter sparkle ATC

I received my ATC on Christmas Eve, and then promptly went on holiday, so I haven’t yet had chance to post it yet. Here it is though, isn’t it cute? winter sparkle atcIt came all the way from a very hot Brazil, and from Bea at Juntando Arte. It’s always nice to have post from far away, so much more exciting than bills. As I display all my ATCs throughout the year, Bea made it wintery but not too Christmasy, so it won’t look out of place when it finally gets warm here. Apparently, Bea used to live in the UK for three years and really loved it here. I must be honest, I love it here too (especially Brighton) but I do wish it was a bit warmer and drier…

There are a few more pictures on Flickr of some of the other swaps. I really like this robin one and this star one.


Crocheting with double strand wool

I have been trying out crocheting with two different wools at the same time. It came about because I started crocheting using some very fine purple wool on its own, and it was taking far too long. So I combined it with some turquoise wool of a similar thickness I had left. The result is a nice, chunky, jewel coloured effect, which works up much more quickly! It is quite yarn-hungry though. I’m using UK treble crochet and I’m planning to make a cowl. double strand crochetTalking of cowls, how do you like this one I knitted the other week? It was just a rectangle, but I twisted it once at the front before I sewed it shut. This makes it sit a bit nicer around the neck. It also makes rather a nifty turban style earwarmer. knit cowlTo finish up, my sister sent me this picture yesterday, so true in my book!
crafting comes before housework